Aliens vs. Predator

Alien vs. Predator anime series reportedly made for Netflix!
Scified2020-03-04 15:24:27
Written by Chris44,748 Reads5 Comments2020-03-04 15:24:27

Prior to the merging of 20th Century Fox and Disney, an Alien vs. Predator anime series was created for the Netflix streaming service! Unfortunately, since the merger, the series never saw its release - but that's not to say it never will.

According to the Perfect Organism Podcast:

Before 20th Century Fox completed their merger with the Walt Disney Company, Perfect Organism: The Alien Saga Podcast was in regular contact with several key players at Fox. During that time it was revealed to us that an Alien vs. Predator anime was completed for Netflix and then never released. It is unknown if and/or when it will be released.

Unfortunately no other sources can confirm the validity of these claims, but prior to the Disney deal we understand Fox were actively looking to expand the Alien property beyond blockbuster films - with many rumors suggesting a Netflix series being one such avenue the Studio were taking aim at.

With Alien Day 2021 approaching next month, perhaps Disney will relinquish this Alien vs. Predator anime series on Netflix or Disney+ as an act of good faith towards the Alien and Predator fandom. As far as we know however, Disney are not actively developing any substantial content for either property at this moment.

We remain hopeful that Disney will not leave the Alien and Predator series indefinitely shelved. As new details arise, if they do, we'll be sure to keep you posted!

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MemberChestburtsterMar-04-2020 6:24 PM

it'll never live up to this.


MemberYoung BloodMar-05-2020 12:15 AM

I hope they release it. Castlevania anime works great. And this can be a fresh breath for the A/P/AvP franchise.


MemberAlien DroneMar-05-2020 3:57 AM

I have been championing the idea of Alien, Predator, and/or AVP anime ever since freaking 2006!


MemberAlien WarriorMar-05-2020 5:37 AM

There is a Market for this, Good Popcorn Action is in Demand and the AVP License had Potential that Sadly the Movies never delivered.

I had thought that Disney would likely release a REBOOT of the AVP Franchise as its more up their Street as far as what kind of Flick they could Market.

The AVP Franchise has a lot of Comics and Games and they do offer us a Action Packed form of Entertainment

A Animated Series which in effect gives us a Moving Comic is Logically a Good Step to take, its FAR more Cheaper than any Live Action Attempt.

I think if this gets released then its GOOD NEWS for the AVP Fans.    If it does well then maybe we could see similar done for the ALIEN and PREDATOR Franchises Separately.


MemberPredatorMar-06-2020 12:35 AM

I hope it, but I doubt it.

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